Workshops Workshop 22: The Golden Menorah: How to Acquire What We Lack Workshop 21: Descending into the Realm of Evil to Rescue Souls Workshop 20: Uprooting the Source of Heresy: The Chanukah Miracle in Finding the Flask of Oil Workshop 19: The Three Kinds of Intelligence: The Chanukah Miracle in Finding the Flask of Oil Workshop 18: Finding Favor in the Eyes of God and Man (Part 5) Workshop 17: Finding Favor in the Eyes of God and Man (Part 4) Workshop 16: Finding Favor in the Eyes of God and Man (Part 3) Workshop 15: Finding Favor in the Eyes of God and Man (Part 2) Workshop 14: Finding Favor in the Eyes of God and Man (Part 1) Workshop 13: You Shall Know in Your Heart Workshop 12: Throw Away Your Wisdom Workshop 11: Secret to Achieve Teshuvah Workshop 10: I Will Sing to Hashem Workshop 9: Making Merry Melodies Workshop 8 How to be Happy and Not Depressed Workshop 7: How to Actually Create Unity Workshop 6: Why Judge Others for Merit Workshop 5: The Hidden Treasure Inside Galut Workshop 4: Ratzo v’Shov (Ascending and Descending) Workshop 3: Teshuvah on Teshuvah Workshop 2: Teshuvah, Kavod and Disgrace