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  1. Does not criticizing others include heretics and apokorsim who desecrate G-d’s name? Isn’t there a verse in Tehillim where Dovid says and I’m paraphrasing, “Should I not hate those who hate You?”

    1. The criticisms we are referring to here are the ones that we make against people we typically personally know who do things to annoy us or insult, etc. However, relating to your question, the pasuk you might be referring to is: תַּכְלִית שִׂנְאָה שְׂנֵאתִים לְאוֹיְבִים הָיוּ לִי׃ (I hate them with utter hatred, I count them as my enemies). To whom does this apply today? It is explained in Likutei Halachot that this verses refers to Jews who don't do any mitzvot whatsoever, a completely wicked individual. But today (as explained in many places), our job is not to pass judgment, but rather to look and search in order to find even a little bit of good even in these people we think are totally wicked. In so doing, they aren't complete wicked people anymore.

      We've been explaining this concept in detail in our Zoom classes lately.

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