Month: April 2024

Let's Not Make Wings for the Nachash

Let's Not Make Wings for the Nachash

The Importance of Correcting Our Speech: Have you ever wondered why certain heresies, i..e. religious, scientific, psychological, educational, philosophical and political heresies, spread like wildfire while others never seem to gain much traction? Likewise, have you ever wondered why the mythology of almost every nation of the world contains the image of a flying serpent...

Revealing a Tefach and Covering a Tefach
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Revealing a Tefach and Covering a Tefach

The Secret Kavanah of Brit Milah (Part 1) We accept the mitzvah of brit milah without question. Even some of the outwardly less-observant members of our nation, for example, those who desecrate the kedushah of Shabbat without even the slightest pang of conscience, would never imagine not performing brit milah on behalf of their eight-day...